May 2017 | APAN contributes to Foreign Affairs White Paper
The Australian Government undertook a Foreign Policy review, and sought submissions in the development of a White Paper.
APAN made a written submission, calling on the Government to ensure policy took into account Palestinian rights.
April 2017 | Australian Greens Study Tour to Palestine
APAN hosted a tour tailored to members of the Australian Greens. The tour included a parliamentarian from federal, state and local government.
The tour visited both Palestinian and Israeli human rights groups, met with members of the Knesset, environmental and LGBTIQ+ rights groups as well as a range of Palestinian community members.
Senator Janet Rice delivered this parliamentary speech about the trip.
David Shoebridge MP and Senator Rice also went live on facebook from outside Ofer Military Court, and inside a Bethlehem Refugee Camp.

March 2017 | Opinion Poll shows Australians want Action
Results from a Roy Morgan opinion poll commissioned by APAN and other groups show the Australian public is far ahead of their Government when it comes to justice for Palestine.
This is the fourth opinion poll commissioned since 2009 showing Australians increasingly sympathise with Palestinians and they want our Government to take decisive action to stop the oppression.
February 2017 | Australians say No to Netanyahu
The official visit of Israeli Prime Minister to Australia was met with loud and coordinated dissent.
APAN supported a statement of opposition from prominent Australians, which was reported as far as the New York Times.
APAN also facilitated an email campaign where many Australians asked their local representatives not to support any events where Netanyahu was a guest.
APAN supported and promoted national protest events, and were active in the media, with articles in Fairfax papers, the Guardian and SBS News and ABC radio.