Julian Leeser MP – in support of the Prime Minister’s motion

Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. It’s a country that shares the values of Australia: a belief in the rule of law and democracy, and respect for human rights. It’s one of the few places in the Middle East where not only Jews but Christians...

Scott Morrison MP – in support of the Prime Minister’s motion

So we stand here and say we will support the State of Israel’s right to self-defence—as we should in this motion—in taking action to respond to these terror acts, but let us know that this should and must include all efforts to eradicate Hamas from Gaza and...

Josh Burns MP – in support of the Prime Minister’s motion

Let me also take this moment to extend my deepest sympathies to the families of innocent Palestinians. I recognise your grief and I see your heartache. The humanity we share cannot be lost. We witnessed what happens when humanity is lost. It looks like the heinous...