Senator Anne Ruston – reaffirmed Australia’s support for a two-state solution

photo of Senator Anne Ruston
May 14, 2020

We remain a supporter of a two-state solution where a Palestinian state exists alongside Israel in peace and harmony, within internationally recognised borders.

Full speech

Senator RUSTON (South AustraliaMinister for Families and Social Services and Manager of Government Business in the Senate) (12:43): I seek leave to make a short statement.

The PRESIDENT: Leave is granted for one minute.

Senator RUSTON: In line with the government’s longstanding view, motions that cannot be debated or amended should not deal with complex foreign policy matters. Successive Australian governments have recognised that a future Palestinian state is a final status issue to be negotiated directly between Israel and the Palestinians. We remain a supporter of a two-state solution where a Palestinian state exists alongside Israel in peace and harmony, within internationally recognised borders. Successive Australian governments have called on all parties to the conflict between the Palestinians and Israel to refrain from provocative actions that raise tensions or undermine the prospects of peace.

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