I want to discuss the Australian victim of terrorism overseas payment. I understand this payment of $75,000 is available for people affected by the 7 October Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel. Does this payment also apply to people who are primary or secondary victims of the Israeli government’s attacks on Gaza?
Senator RICE: We have people experiencing homelessness. There have been studies done recently that they are dying 30 to 40 years younger than the average Australian. Being able to access critical income support can be life and death for those people.
I want to discuss the Australian victim of terrorism overseas payment. I understand this payment of $75,000 is available for people affected by the 7 October Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel. Does this payment also apply to people who are primary or secondary victims of the Israeli government’s attacks on Gaza?
Mr Thorpe : Services Australia works very closely with Home Affairs, who set the policy relating to AVTOP. We activated that payment very recently, within a few days of receiving the instrument from Home Affairs. It’s been available from 7 February.
Senator RICE: I understand that that payment has now been activated. My question was about people who have been impacted in a similar way by the Israeli government’s attacks on Gaza.
Mr Thorpe : Services Australia has received instruction from Home Affairs to activate AVTOP for the—
Senator RICE: So there isn’t an equivalent payment for the people in Gaza.
Mr Thorpe : Not at this stage. We have not received instruction from Home Affairs.
Senator RICE: Are people who are impacted in the same way—having family killed in Gaza—entitled to any payment?
Mr Thorpe : That question will need to be directed to Home Affairs. Services Australia has not received an instruction as such.
Senator RICE: Would they be able to access a Services Australia crisis payment?
Mr Thorpe : We’d have to take that question on notice. AVTOP is a very complex payment that involves some very careful and considered engagement with any potential—
Senator RICE: Yes. I understand that. What I’m asking about is a more general payment—payments like your crisis payment, like your special benefit payment. Would they be able to apply for those payments on the basis of having had family killed in Gaza?
Mr Thorpe : I can check with my colleagues, but I suspect we’ll have to take that on notice, because it’ll depend on the circumstances. But, to your question, we have not received instructions from Home Affairs.