It is of deep regret that the government does not have partners in this effort in either the opposition or the Greens, who are only, in their own ways, looking for opportunities to use this crisis to whip up conflict and whip up anger for votes. If they were sincere about the crisis in the Middle East then they would be engaged in the pathway to peace and in keeping our community unified.
Senator McALLISTER (New South Wales—Assistant Minister for Climate Change and Energy) (10:31): The government will be opposing this suspension. I will start by making this observation: I understand and the government understands that the conflict in the Middle East is deeply distressing for many Australians. That’s particularly the case for those with a connection to the region and those with loved ones who are directly impacted.
Australia is a respected voice in the conflict, even if we are not a central player in the Middle East, and we are using that voice. We are using that voice to advocate for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire and humanitarian access. We’re using that voice to advocate for the release of hostages. And we’re using that voice to advocate for the protection of civilians.
It is of deep regret that the government does not have partners in this effort in either the opposition or the Greens, who are only, in their own ways, looking for opportunities to use this crisis to whip up conflict and whip up anger for votes. If they were sincere about the crisis in the Middle East then they would be engaged in the pathway to peace and in keeping our community unified. Mr Dutton and the Greens—
Opposition senators interjecting—
The ACTING DEPUTY PRESIDENT ( Senator Fawcett ): Order! Minister, resume your seat.
Opposition senators interjecting—
The ACTING DEPUTY PRESIDENT: Your contributions were heard in silence. Under standing order 197, I require you show the same respect to the minister, even if you disagree with her views or comments. Minister.
Senator McALLISTER: Thank you. I remind the Greens that right now there are more than 130 hostages still being held by the terrorist group Hamas. I remind the opposition that we are faced with reports from the UN that 400,000 Palestinians in Gaza are starving and a million more are at risk of starvation. An estimated 1.7 million people in Gaza are internally displaced and there are increasingly few safe places for Palestinians to go. And I remind the Senate that we are seeing attacks by Iranian aligned militias across the region. Ansar Allah are conducting attacks in the Red Sea that are threatening international maritime trade and regional security, and we are supporting US and UK efforts to disrupt, degrade and deter them.
Senator Shoebridge: Is that why you are supporting the bombing of Gaza?
The ACTING DEPUTY PRESIDENT: Order! Minister, resume your seat. Senator Shoebridge, I have asked for the Greens to collectively respect the standing orders. I’m now asking you specifically to respect standing order 197. Minister.
Senator McALLISTER: We are working with our partners to manage the risk, the real risk, of regional escalation. But, as you can see, we don’t have partners for that effort in this place. The opposition and the Greens are not interested in a unified community here at home or in the pathway to peace; they are just looking out for what is in it for them. My view is that Israelis deserve better, Palestinians deserve better and Australians deserve a great deal better than what they are seeing this morning.
Senator Thorpe: You’re sending guns to kill women and children.
Senator McALLISTER: I move:
That the question be now put.
Senator Thorpe: Shame on you. You’re sending guns to kill women and children.
The ACTING DEPUTY PRESIDENT: Order! Senator Thorpe, you do not have the call. Your interjections are disorderly and against the standing orders.
Senator Thorpe: I know that.
The ACTING DEPUTY PRESIDENT: Then show respect to the chamber. If we expect the world, including the Middle East, to operate according to rules that benefit people regardless of their views, then show that respect in the chamber.
Senator Thorpe: You’re complicit in genocide here. That’s why.
The ACTING DEPUTY PRESIDENT: The question as moved by the minister is that the question be now put.