I table a petition of over 32,000 signatures urging Australia to stand against Israel in the International Court of Justice.
Senator FARUQI (New South Wales) (18:26): I seek leave to table a non-conforming petition of over 32,000 signatures urging Australia to stand against Israel at the International Court of Justice.
The ACTING DEPUTY PRESIDENT ( Senator Walsh ): Senator McKenzie?
Senator McKenzie: The precedence in the chamber is that party leaders take precedence, not that it goes one side or the other when a party leader is on their feet. I’m seeking leave to make a short statement.
The ACTING DEPUTY PRESIDENT: I took a decision to share the call across the chamber, and Senator Faruqi is seeking leave. I understand that you want to seek leave as well. Senator Faruqi, you sought leave to table a petition. Is leave granted?
Leave granted.
Senator FARUQI: I table a petition of over 32,000 signatures urging Australia to stand against Israel in the International Court of Justice.