Senator Raff Ciccone – Estimates questions to the Director-General of the Australian Signals Directorate regarding Pine Gap and its “supposed role in supporting Israel”

Photo of Senator Raff Ciccone
February 14, 2024

I want to turn to Pine Gap. I’m aware that there is longstanding practice by successive governments not to comment on specific operational matters or activities at Pine Gap, but I’m aware of the narrative on social media and in the community—and from some here in parliament, unfortunately—about Pine Gap’s supposed role in supporting Israel in the Hamas-Israel conflict. I just think it is important to clarify the reality of the situation as much as possible. So, to the extent possible in this forum, can officials shed some light on the public commentary regarding the operations undertaken at Pine Gap in relation to the Hamas-Israel conflict?

CHAIR: I welcome Ms Rachel Noble, Director-General of the Australian Signals Directorate. I understand you don’t have an opening statement this evening. Is that correct?

Ms Noble : That’s correct.

CHAIR: Now, apologies—I thought we had other questions, but I have two very quick questions, and then you might be able to go home. I want to turn to Pine Gap. I’m aware that there is longstanding practice by successive governments not to comment on specific operational matters or activities at Pine Gap, but I’m aware of the narrative on social media and in the community—and from some here in parliament, unfortunately—about Pine Gap’s supposed role in supporting Israel in the Hamas-Israel conflict. I just think it is important to clarify the reality of the situation as much as possible. So, to the extent possible in this forum, can officials shed some light on the public commentary regarding the operations undertaken at Pine Gap in relation to the Hamas-Israel conflict?

Ms Noble : It is, as you said, the longstanding practice of successive governments not to make public commentary about operational activities at Pine Gap, and I would add that it is a joint facility with the United States. There is an extensive body, though, of information in the parliamentary record, by successive ministers for defence, who, from time to time, make public statements about the activities at Pine Gap. And I would refer you to those as the best source of public information by authoritative speakers.

CHAIR: Would it be possible to say that it’s uninformed speculation?

Ms Noble : I don’t think it’s my place to make commentary in that regard.

Senator McAllister: I think the implication from Ms Noble’s testimony is that it is uninformed, because in fact comment is not generally made on the activities that happen at the joint facility. There is some information in the public domain, which is appropriate, but it is limited, for all of the reasons that I think senators here would understand.

CHAIR: Okay. I want to turn briefly to the policy of ‘full knowledge and concurrence’ of Australia’s joint facilities. Can you outline this policy and how it operates at Pine Gap in terms of both its staffing composition and its activities?

Ms Noble : I will draw on the statement made last February by the Deputy Prime Minister, where he describes ‘full knowledge and concurrence’:

‘Full knowledge’ means Australia has a full and detailed understanding of any capability or activity with a presence on Australian territory, or making use of Australian assets.

‘Concurrence’ means that Australia approves of the presence of a capability or function in Australia, in support of mutually-agreed goals.

CHAIR: Excellent. Thank you very much. On that note—

Senator CHANDLER: On indulgence, Chair, I want to thank ASD for spending so much time in here today waiting to get the call. We do have questions for them, but we will be putting them on notice in the interests of moving through the rest of the committee’s agenda for the day, as we are already quite behind time. But I did just want to say thank you so much appearing.

CHAIR: Hear, hear. Thank you. And I thank the committee for their understanding.

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