Early 2017 Highlights

May 2017 | APAN contributes to Foreign Affairs White Paper The Australian Government undertook a Foreign Policy review, and sought submissions in the development of a White Paper.   APAN made a written submission, calling on the Government to ensure policy took into...

2016 Highlights

December 2016 | Journalist Study Tour to Palestine & Israel Seven journalists, six from the Federal Press Gallery, joined a specialised APAN study tour.  Over the nine days, journalists met with a range of local journalists; humanitarian and human rights...

2015 Highlights

September 2015 | Dr Salam Fayyad visit to Australia  The former Palestinian Prime Minister, Dr Salam Fayyad, visited Australia to deliver the Edward Said Memorial Lecture at the University of Adelaide.   APAN hosted Dr Fayyad at the National Press Club (link to...

2014 Highlights

November 2014 | Morgan Poll shows Australians support recognition of Palestine A Morgan opinion poll showed that the majority of Australians support immediate recognition of Palestine. In comparison to Opinion Polls of previous years, people reported having increased...

2013 Highlights

August 2013 | Federal election campaign In the lead up to the federal election, APAN distributed thousands of postcards around the country – inviting people to let their candidates know “I support Palestine and I vote”. Palestine supporters received...

2012 Highlights

November 2012 | APAN joined protests in support of Gaza APAN supported protest events against the atrocities in Gaza.  APAN Executive members Prof Peter Slezak and Rev Gregor Henderson spoke at the Melbourne rally. Watch video. APAN also worked with parliamentarians...