Senator Dean Smith – speaking about Palestinian militants

No Australian should be unconcerned by a situation where new generations of Palestinians are having their minds poisoned through disgusting anti-Semitic propaganda campaigns that only serve to make the already difficult goal of peace even more difficult—more difficult...

Jill Hall MP – valedictory speech

I would like to see Palestine recognised. It has been far too long that we have allowed that dreadful situation to exist. I have visited Gaza. I have seen the blockade. I have seen the appalling conditions that people are living in there, and it makes me really sad...

Melissa Parke MP – valedictory speech

As someone who lived in Gaza for 2½ years out of the eight years I worked with the UN, it has been heartening to see increasing recognition, in this place, of the injustices suffered by the Palestinian people as a result of the decades-long occupation, the continued...