2011 Highlights
November 2011 | APAN in Canberra
In the week of the 21 November 2011, APAN delegates met with 26 federal parliamentarians and their staff to ask for an urgent shift in Australian foreign policy towards Palestine. APAN urged Parliamentarians to see that the excesses of Israel are met with condemnation from the Australian Parliament; to support the Palestinian’s UN bid for recognition of Statehood; and to visit Palestine.
November 2011 | Roy Morgan opinion poll
This poll sponsored by APAN and three other groups found only 15% think Australia should not support the Palestinian Statehood bid at the UN; 63% condemn the continued building of settlements on Palestinian land; and 5 times more people thought that the Australian Government favours Israel than those who thought the Government favours Palestine. Read the poll results and the press release.
September 2011 | Statement by prominent Australians
APAN gathered signatures from former Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser, two former Ambassadors to Israel, academics, and current Members of Parliament to ask the Australian Government to support Palestine’s bid for Statehood at the UN.
August 2011 | Joined other groups in supporting BDS movement
APAN joined other groups in condemning Victorian Government’s request to the ACCC to investigate the BDS movement for secondary boycotts.
The ACCC subsequencely ruled that BDS BDS protests did not constitute a secondary boycott
August 2011 | Petition supporting Palestine statehood bid
APAN sponsored a petition to the Australian Parliament, showing Australian support for the Palestinian statehood bid. Over 4,000 signatures have been collected and Maria Vamvakinou presented this in Parliament. Thanks to the many people who were involved in collecting signatures.