“Australia must join condemnations of Trump’s provocative move of its embassy to Jerusalem” said Bishop George Browning, the President of the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network “If the Foreign Minister refuses to join condemnations, then any talk of supporting the two-state solution is just empty rhetoric”.
Trump’s move has been condemned around the world – throughout the Middle East, Europe, China and even by Pope Francis. “As America’s close ally, Australia’s silence makes it complicit in Trump’s undermining of peace negotiations” continued Bishop Browning.
“This is a one-sided and unilateral move by Trump” said Bishop Browning “If the US is going to recognise West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, then it must simultaneously recognise East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine”.
“APAN is relieved that the Foreign Minister has ruled out moving Australia’s Embassy, but we cannot be neutral when Trump is overthrowing the basis of all peace negotiations”.
“Opinion Polls consistently show Australians want our Government to actively support Palestinian independence” continued Bishop Browning. “Australia must condemn unilateral moves that undermine prospects of a just and lasting peace”.