I will now move to questions. To kick us off, can I ask: what is the current Australian government position with regard to the recognition of a Palestinian state? Senator BIRMINGHAM: Thank you. I echo the comments of the chair and Senator Wong in relation to the late...
I have previously said it is not okay for anyone, much less someone who claims to be a leader, to blame people in Australia for what is happening overseas. We all understand that the situation in Gaza is catastrophic. What we have seen in Rafah underlines why...
I’d like to go back to the engagement of Hue Consulting. Are you able to give the committee some more details about the materials that Hue Consulting was engaged to prepare? CHAIR: Senator Ghosh, you have the call. Senator GHOSH: Thank you to the commissioners,...
The Albanese government supports a two-state solution as the best possible path to ensuring peace and prosperity. Australia has voted to increase the participation of Palestine at the United Nations. We have voted for the cessation of hostilities. We’ve called...
This is not the first time I have spoken in this chamber—on a suspension motion on this issue from the Greens in the morning, and from the member for Kennedy in the afternoon. As I said this morning, motions of this kind are procedural motions that, members know, are...