The idea of banning academic, government, sporting and cultural exchanges with Israel is simply a nonsense and political stupidity by the Marrickville Council. We welcomed the outcome of the 19 April vote by the Marrickville Council to reject support for international...
The state of Israel enjoys strong bipartisan support from this government because we on this side of the House have always been committed to a two-state solution, but we are also committed to the rights of the Palestinian people to the same peace and security within...
The settlements are surrounded by no-go zones that vary in size from a couple of hundred metres to, in some cases, around one kilometre. They are connected by settler-only highways, which also have no-go zones for Palestinians. With almost 60 per cent of the West Bank...
I am totally opposed to the BDS. I have been on the record on that and my position is absolutely clear. Full speech Senator FORSHAW (New South Wales) (15:58): Mr Deputy President, I seek leave to make a short statement. The DEPUTY PRESIDENT: Leave is granted for two...
The government has a longstanding practice of not dealing with complex foreign policy matters through Senate motions. The government does not support boycotts that impede legitimate trade between states and has expressed its strong opposition to the Marrickville...