APAN website style guide



Good ‘ol white


Slightly softer than pure black to offset the jarring effect of pure black (#000000). Used for top menu

Dark Grey

Again to offset jarring of pure black. Used for body copy on white background.

Red text on white background

Used for links, highlights and call to action. Can also be used as background for white text.

APAN Green

Not accessible so only use for decoration.

Green on White 18pt+

Closest accessible colour to APAN Green. Only to be using 18pt font size or no longer accessible.

Primary Green

Green used for background when white text is used.

Also used for green text on White

Black on green

Green used for background when black text is used


Do not use “bold” for headings etc. Bold is ugly. 

Use “semi-bold” instead. This can be selected in the modules text settings

“Normal” text for reference

Heading One – only used for page titles

Heading Two – 26px

Heading Three – 23px

Heading Four – 20px


Boxes have a 10px rounded corner (found under the border setting)


If you are unsure about accessible colours, you can test you can test them with the WCAG CONTRAST CHECKER