August/Sept 2021 | Training to upskill supporters
In winter, when much of Australia was in COVID lock-down, we facilitated some online training events. We hosted a session about writing letters to the editor for people who want to write to the media about coverage about Palestine, led by a senior journalist. We also facilitated a range of sessions on social media, which covered concerns about censorship and shadow-banning, making your posts stand out, and ways to engage with social media platforms.

August 2021 | Honouring Ghassan Kanafani
For the 49th anniversary of the assassination of prominent Palestinian writer and cultural figure Ghassan Kanafani, we produced a short video for social media.
This received an unprecedented 1020 retweets and 25K views on Twitter, 9.8K views on Facebook, and 1,700 on Instagram.
June 2021 | Campaign in solidarity with Mohammed El Halabi
Mohammed El Halabi, former Manager of World Vision in Gaza was arrested in June 2016, with still no credible evidence presented to support the accusation that he embezzled Australian aid funds. On the 5th anniversary of his arrest we re-launched a campaign calling on the Israeli authorities to release him. We worked with former World Vision Australia CEO Tim Costello on an Opinion Piece, and recorded a video with UN Special Rapporteur Michael Lynk.