Israel, of course, has every right to defend itself—every nation does. Any nation that experienced the attack of 7 October would respond with force. Everything that can be done to protect innocent civilians, be they in Israel or Gaza, must be done. When innocent people lose their lives, all civilised people grieve for them. The terrible loss of life at the al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza is deeply distressing.
Mr COLEMAN (Banks) (20:37): The attack by Hamas on the people of Israel was barbaric and evil. Words cannot convey the horror of the mass murder of innocent people—young people, grandmothers and babies. People ran for their lives across the desert, only to be gunned down; children were murdered while their parents tried to shield them; and families huddled together in a saferoom until it was breached. There was the seizure of innocent people to be used as bargaining chips in an evil enterprise. Holocaust survivors were forced to flee again.
Our nation was appalled by the horrific events of 7 October and we were shocked, two days later, when some Australians wanted to celebrate those events. The scenes at the Sydney Opera House on 9 October will live in infamy as a terrible stain on our nation. Antisemitism has existed for thousands of years but Australia has never seen anything like the events at the opera house. All authorities, state and federal, need to do everything in their power to hold those responsible to account.
Israel, of course, has every right to defend itself—every nation does. Any nation that experienced the attack of 7 October would respond with force. Everything that can be done to protect innocent civilians, be they in Israel or Gaza, must be done. When innocent people lose their lives, all civilised people grieve for them. The terrible loss of life at the al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza is deeply distressing.
As I said at the beginning, words cannot capture our horror at the evil actions of Hamas. We grieve for the victims and we pray for the safety of innocent people.