Even though history has moved on a little bit, in terms of what this petition is calling for-the vote in the UN to recognise the Palestinian authority—I intend keeping true to my word to the people of Moreton and Rankin by presenting this petition.
Full petition and speech
Mr PERRETT (Moreton) (13:58): I rise to present a petition that went through the Petitions Committee on 28 November.
The petition read as follows—
To the Honourable The Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives
This petition is from persons residing mainly in the Federal Electorates of Moreton and Rankin, and surrounding areas.
Draws to the attention of the House: That Palestinians are a stateless people who have suffered under the shadow of Israeli occupation for far too long. They want freedom, justice, equality and the right to self-determination.
Palestinians have tried peace talks for decades while watching more of their land being occupied and taken over by Israel and its illegal settlements. Two years ago peace talks stopped as the Palestinian Authority said it couldn’t negotiate while Palestinian land and resources continued to be annexed.
When the Palestinian Authority stands alone to face the political and military strength of Israel it knows it cannot negotiate a just solution. This is why the Palestinian Authority is asking the international community to support a just solution by asking the UN General Assembly to recognise Palestine as a non-member State.
We therefore ask the House to: Support the Palestinians when they ask the UN General Assembly to give it recognition as a non-member State. This support is through Australia joining the majority of the international community by voting YES to the UN Resolution.
Further: If the House is serious about its commitment to a lasting two-state solution and therefore advancing peace in the Middle East and beyond, then it must support Palestine’s bid for a place and a voice at the international table.
from 1,270 citizens
Petition received.
Mr PERRETT: I had intended to present this petition in the last week of parliament, but, due to the fact that there was a fair bit of legislation banking up, I did not get a chance to present it. I gave the members of my electorate of Moreton and also many people in Rankin the assurance that I would present the petition. Even though history has moved on a little bit, in terms of what this petition is calling for-the vote in the UN to recognise the Palestinian authority—I intend keeping true to my word to the people of Moreton and Rankin by presenting this petition. The chief petitioner is David Forde, and, as I said, it is drawing the attention of the House to the call for Australia to recognise that Palestinians are a stateless people who have suffered a lot over the last 40, 50 or 60 years. We are calling for the vote, which has occurred to be—
The SPEAKER: Order! In accordance with standing order 43, the time for members’ statements has concluded.