Australian contestants are selected from the national Bible quiz run by the Zionist Federation of Australia. Students study for months before attending the International Bible Camp where they continue to study and prepare in the days leading up to the quiz held on Israel’s Independence Day.
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Mr LEESER (Berowra) (13:44): I rise to congratulate Emanuel Cohavi for representing Australia in the 56th International Bible Quiz in Israel. I’ve known Emmanuel for about five years. He’s a student at Kesser Torah College. He often leads services at the Parramatta synagogue, where his father is the rabbi. The International Bible Quiz is an event that brings students together from across the world to compete on their knowledge of the Hebrew Bible. The quiz is part of the International Bible Camp, which takes participants around Israel to make the Bible come alive. They learn about Israel’s history, enjoy Israel’s beautiful landscape and meet intellectuals and officials from all around the country.
Australian contestants are selected from the national Bible quiz run by the Zionist Federation of Australia. Students study for months before attending the International Bible Camp where they continue to study and prepare in the days leading up to the quiz held on Israel’s Independence Day. There’s a final test prior to the quiz in which the top representatives from each participating country compete against their fellow countrymen and women to narrow down participants to 16 finalists. Just four representatives from Israel and 12 from around the world compete in the final Bible quiz. Emanuel finished ninth in the world competition where he faced competitors from Canada, South Africa, Mexico, the US and Argentina.
The quiz was started over 15 years ago as a highlight of Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day. The quiz is televised live, and winners attract scholarships to the top universities in Israel. Kol Hakavod, Emanuel, on all your achievements in representing Australia in the International Bible Quiz.