I just wish to point out that all members of the Palestinian Legislative Council are now into their 11th year of a four-year term. Full speech Senator LEYONHJELM (New South Wales) (16:21): I seek leave to make a short statement. The PRESIDENT: Leave is granted for one...
The Senate should not consider and vote on foreign policy motions of this kind without the ability to have a full debate given they involve serious and substantial issues. Full speech Senator McGRATH (Queensland—Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister) (16:21): I...
In Ms Jarrar’s case, there have been no charges. She is a political prisoner of Israel. Ms Jarrar could spend the rest of her life in jail and she is not the only Palestinian MP in jail. A country is not a democracy if it has political prisoners. Full motion...
Jerusalem is the home of the Israeli government and the capital of Israel. It is about time Australia accepted this and followed the courageous steps taken by the President of the United States. Full speech Senator McGRATH (Queensland—Assistant Minister to the Prime...
Calls for the Australian Government to: recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and move the Australian Embassy to Western Jerusalem. Full motion and speech Senator ANNING (Queensland) (16:36): I move: That the Senate— (a) notes the religious and historical...