Senator Anne Ruston – spoke in response to Bernardi’s PLO funding motion by reaffirming Australia’s support for a two-state solution and its assistance to vulnerable Palestinians

photo of Senator Anne Ruston
October 15, 2018

Senator Bernardi, Australia is a longstanding and strong supporter of the two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict. We urge all parties to return to negotiations towards an enduring peace. Australia does not provide development assistance to the Palestinian Liberation Organization. Australia remains committed to delivering aid to vulnerable Palestinians…

Full speech

Senator RUSTON (South AustraliaAssistant Minister for International Development and the Pacific) (16:07): I seek leave to make a short statement.

The DEPUTY PRESIDENT: Leave it granted for one minute.

Senator RUSTON: Senator Bernardi, Australia is a longstanding and strong supporter of the two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict. We urge all parties to return to negotiations towards an enduring peace. Australia does not provide development assistance to the Palestinian Liberation Organization. Australia remains committed to delivering aid to vulnerable Palestinians, including through the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East. This support is a demonstration of the government’s longstanding commitment to a two-state solution where Israel and a future Palestinian state exist side by side in peace and security, within internationally recognised borders.

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