That the Senate recognises the rights of the people of Palestine and Israel to live together as self-governing states based on the 1967 borders.
Full speech
Senator BOB BROWN ( Tasmania — Leader of the Australian Greens ) ( 16 : 25 ): I seek leave to move an amendment to that motion.
Leave granted.
Senator BOB BROWN: I thank the Senate and I move the following amendment:
Omit all words after “That”, substitute, “the Senate recognises the rights of the people of Palestine and Israel to live together as self-governing states based on the 1967 borders.
For clarity, the motion would then read in its entirety:
That the Senate recognises the rights of the people of Palestine and Israel to live together as self-governing states based on the 1967 borders.
Senator Joyce: Mr Deputy President, I rise on a point of order. Can you give us a ruling on whether that completely changes the nature of the motion and therefore should be ruled out?
The DEPUTY PRESIDENT: It is relevant to the motion, Senator Joyce, but it does change the entire context of the motion. That is what the Senate will now vote on.
Question put:
That the amendment (Senator Brown’s) be agreed to.
The Senate divided. [16:31]
(The Deputy PRESIDENT—Senator Parry)
Question negatived.