Australia has expressed concern to the Israeli authorities about the proposed demolitions and is committed to working with the Israeli authorities to find a solution which avoids demolition of these structures.
Full speech
Senator Rhiannon asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs, upon notice, on 31 August 2012:
With reference to reports citing information provided by the European Commissioner for enlargement and neighbourhood policy, that Israel has destroyed development projects in Palestine worth â¬49.2 million over the past decade, â¬29.4 million of which was funded by the European Union or its member states: can details be provided of the purpose and value of any Australian-funded projects in Palestine that have been destroyed by Israel.
Senator Bob Carr The answer to the honourable senator’s question is as follows:
(a) No Australian funded projects in Palestine have been destroyed by Israel.
(b) Australian Government is aware of reports that demolition orders were issued in June 2012 against approximately 50 structures in Susiya village, South Hebron.
ï ï ïwo of these structures are tents funded by AusAID through a $2,500 grant to ActionAID Australia under the Australia NGO Cooperation Program in 2011
one tent houses the local pre-school for 35 children, and
the other tent houses a local health clinic which provides 60 medical consultations per week for women and the elderly.
ï ï Australia has expressed concern to the Israeli authorities about the proposed demolitions and is committed to working with the Israeli authorities to find a solution which avoids demolition of these structures.