The government has made it very clear that it condemns the actions of Hamas, a terrorist organisation. Of course, we came to this parliament with a joint resolution following the terrible events in Israel as a result of the attack by Hamas. What I do want to reject, though, are the attempts by the opposition to gain political advantage and to score political points out of the terrible tragedy that’s going on in the Middle East at the moment.
Senator PATERSON (Victoria) (14:16): My question is to the Minister representing the Prime Minister, Senator Farrell. Media reporting over the weekend has revealed that an Islamic preacher in Sydney delivered a radical sermon that called on Muslims to wage jihad, declared Australia hypocritical for labelling Hamas’s massacre of innocent Israelis as terrorism and claimed that Hamas terrorists who committed the 7 October attack on Israel were not terrorists but freedom fighters. Does the government condemn this radical rhetoric?
Senator FARRELL (South Australia—Minister for Trade and Tourism, Special Minister of State and Deputy Leader of the Government in the Senate) (14:17): I thank Senator Paterson for his question. I didn’t see those comments. I understand that we as a government have made it very clear that we condemn these corrosive and irresponsible statements. Security agencies are aware of these statements. I understand NSW Police have commenced an investigation into this matter. All Australians should remember what the Director-General of Security recently said about the importance of considering the implications for social cohesion when making public statements. ASIO has seen direct connections between inflamed language and inflamed community tensions. So, as I said, we condemn these statements. They’re corrosive and irresponsible. The security agencies are investigating the statements, as is NSW Police, and we’ll await the results of those investigations.
The PRESIDENT: Senator Paterson, a first supplementary?
Senator PATERSON (Victoria) (14:18): The individual in question reportedly dared the government to deport him for his comments. Will the government take him up on this by immediately cancelling his visa, if he is found to have violated his visa conditions?
Senator FARRELL (South Australia—Minister for Trade and Tourism, Special Minister of State and Deputy Leader of the Government in the Senate) (14:18): I thank Senator Paterson for his first supplementary question. It’s been a very consistent, longstanding practice that ASIO does not comment on individuals or investigations, and I’m happy to leave it to the relevant authorities to investigate the matter and to come forward with some advice.
The PRESIDENT: Minister, please resume your seat. Senator Paterson?
Senator Paterson: On direct relevance, Madam President—I did not ask about ASIO or any investigations they were conducting but whether the government would cancel the visa if he’s violated the conditions of that visa?
The PRESIDENT: I believe the minister is being relevant, Senator Paterson. Minister Farrell.
Senator FARRELL: Where individuals pose a significant risk to the community, the Australian government will continue to cancel their visas and remove them. But, as is standard practice—and this was a practice adopted by your government, Senator Paterson, so it’s a longstanding government practice—government does not comment on individual cases.
The PRESIDENT: Senator Paterson, a second supplementary.
Senator PATERSON (Victoria) (14:20): Does the government reject inflammatory language and accusations, such as those accusing Israel of genocide?
Senator FARRELL (South Australia—Minister for Trade and Tourism, Special Minister of State and Deputy Leader of the Government in the Senate) (14:20): Thank you, Senator Paterson. The government has made it very clear that it condemns the actions of Hamas, a terrorist organisation. Of course, we came to this parliament with a joint resolution following the terrible events in Israel as a result of the attack by Hamas. What I do want to reject, though, are the attempts by the opposition to gain political advantage and to score political points out of the terrible tragedy that’s going on in the Middle East at the moment.
Senator McKenzie: The lack of clarity from your government!
Senator FARRELL: And I’m giving you a straight answer!
The PRESIDENT: Order! Senator Paterson on a point of order?
Senator Paterson: Again, President, it’s on direct relevance. I asked whether the government would condemn those accusing Israel of genocide. The minister has not yet responded to the question.
The PRESIDENT: I believe the minister is being relevant. Have you finished your comments, Minister?
Senator FARRELL: Yes.