I rise today to put on the record the alarming rise of Islamophobia in Australia. I know that the cruel and relentless violence still unfolding in Gaza is having significant impacts on our communities here. Your pain is valid. Your fear is warranted. I’m feeling the impact too. According to the Islamophobia Register, hundreds of reports are coming in at an unprecedented rate, now 13 times the amount prior to the tragedies on October 7.
Senator PAYMAN (Western Australia) (13:32): I rise today to put on the record the alarming rise of Islamophobia in Australia. I know that the cruel and relentless violence still unfolding in Gaza is having significant impacts on our communities here. Your pain is valid. Your fear is warranted. I’m feeling the impact too. According to the Islamophobia Register, hundreds of reports are coming in at an unprecedented rate, now 13 times the amount prior to the tragedies on October 7. Some of the reported incidents include arson attacks at mosques, death threats, videos inciting violence and intimidation in public. There are also reports of people being harassed for wearing the kufiyah, the traditional Palestinian scarf. I want to make it clear that this is unacceptable. The Muslim community is scared and anxious for its safety here in Australia. This is unacceptable. Individuals are being targeted for wearing the kufiyah or showing support for the plight of Palestinians. This is unacceptable. At a time when we need strong leadership and unity, some leaders are fanning the flames of Islamophobia and allowing Islamophobic rhetoric to go unchallenged. This is unacceptable. Australia has a proud identity for being a multicultural and multifaith nation. We need to defend that status and come together to stand against the forces that wish to separate us. We are all Australian, and that’s what makes us great. We treasure the diversity of people that have shaped our nation, no matter their religion or background. I urge Australian Muslims and non-Muslims to stay vigilant against Islamophobia and all other forms of discrimination.