In the current federal budget, $43.8 million was allocated for the Palestinian territories. A key objective of the Palestinian Authority is its pay-to-slay program, which provides financial incentives to terrorists who murder innocent Israeli citizen.
Full motion
Senator Anning to move on the next day of sitting—
That the Senate—
(a) notes the funding and promotion of terrorism by the Palestinian Authority;
(b) acknowledges that the sponsorship, advocacy and enabling of terrorism and acts of violence against innocent civilians is not consistent with Australian values;
(c) notes the lack of transparency in the use of funds received by the Palestinian Authority from Australia, both directly and through contributions to the United Nations;
(d) welcomes the letter from the Foreign Minister of 29 May 2018 to the Palestinian Authority, raising concerns over and seeking assurances that Australian funding does not in any way enable or encourage acts of violence against Israel;
(e) recognises that, to achieve lasting peace, the so-called ‘Palestinian Authority Martyrs’ Fund’ must cease; and
(f) calls on the Australian Government to:
(i) maintain scrupulous oversight of Australian aid to the Palestinian territories,
(ii) demand proper investigation into the content and delivery of education services provided by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, and
(iii) immediately suspend aid to the Palestinian territories, if inconsistencies continue. (general business notice of motion no.909)
Full speech
Senator ANNING (Queensland) (16:41): Pursuant to contingency notices relating to formal business, I move:
That so much of the standing orders be suspended as would prevent the motion being moved.
I am disappointed that formality was denied by the Labor Party. I wonder if this action is a reflection on the growing influence that the Muslims from Western Sydney have within the Labor Party. If this is the case, all Australians should be gravely concerned about the effects of a Muslim-directed Labor Party.
In the current federal budget, $43.8 million was allocated for the Palestinian territories. A key objective of the Palestinian Authority is its pay-to-slay program, which provides financial incentives to terrorists who murder innocent Israeli citizens. In 2018, these terrorism incentive payments are being increased to US$403 million, or around 50 per cent of the total foreign aid to the Palestinian Authority. Convicted Muslim terrorists in prisons for murdering women and children are paid $3,500 per month by the Palestinian Authority, plus extra bonuses for their wives and children. By contrast, teachers employed by the Palestinian Authority receive around US$600 per month. It is vital that Australian foreign aid does not end up contributing to these programs, or the Australian government is funding the murder of innocents by proxy and has blood on its hands.
Senator ANNING (Queensland) (16:41): I ask that general business notice of motion No. 909, standing in my name for today, relating to Palestine, be taken as a formal motion.
The PRESIDENT: Is there any objection to this motion being taken as formal?
An honourable senator interjecting—
The PRESIDENT: There is an objection.