Senator Janet Rice – responding to Abetz’s motion marking the death of former Israeli PM Yitzhak Rabin and commemorating Rabin’s commitment to peace

photo of Senator Janet Rice
December 3, 2020

Australia needs to make clear to the Israeli government that increasing settlement-building and the threat of annexation, not to mention the regular demolition of Palestinian homes, are massive obstacles to achieving peace. We urge the government to finally recognise a Palestinian state, as so many other countries have done.

Full speech

Senator RICE (VictoriaDeputy Australian Greens Whip) (12:01): I seek leave to make a short statement.

The PRESIDENT: Leave is granted for one minute.

Senator RICE: If this Senate truly affirms a vision of a peaceful and enduring two-state solution, which we believe it should, then we should also be urging the Australian government to call out the breaches of international law that present a huge obstacle to achieving this vision. Australia needs to make clear to the Israeli government that increasing settlement-building and the threat of annexation, not to mention the regular demolition of Palestinian homes, are massive obstacles to achieving peace. We urge the government to finally recognise a Palestinian state, as so many other countries have done.

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