This parliament is doing everything possible to avoid acknowledging the killing of thousands of civilians by Israel in Gaza. We will not let you forget. Your cowardice and shameful greenlighting of war crimes will go down in history. These are the people that have been massacred because Labor refuses to join the world in calling for a ceasefire:
Senator FARUQI (New South Wales) (13:34): This parliament is doing everything possible to avoid acknowledging the killing of thousands of civilians by Israel in Gaza. We will not let you forget. Your cowardice and shameful greenlighting of war crimes will go down in history. These are the people that have been massacred because Labor refuses to join the world in calling for a ceasefire: Elaine Helmy Atallah Al-Qara, aged 80; Fikreya Hassan Mesbah Abdel-Al, 76; Reda Ibrahim Muhammad Saleha, 76; Hosni Mohamed Mohamed Saleha, 68; Souad Tawfiq Taha Al-Halabi, 56; Manal Ahmed Mohamed Saleha, 52; Khitam Muhammad Hussein Saleha, 38; Noha Abdel Majeed Hashem Aslim, 32; Hiyam Wajih Mahmoud Abu Zayed, 28; Lana Mazen Nimr Abdel-Al, 22; Shaima Hussein Muhammad Saleha, 21; Waad Ashraf Ismail Al-Qara, 18; Bilal Arafat Fathi Abdel-Al, 17; Jannat Hussein Muhammad Saleha, 17; Yaqin Awad Ahmed Al-Qara, 16; Ibrahim Wajih Mahmoud Abu Zayed, 16; Naglaa Ali Muhammad Al-Qara, 15; Shatha Hussein Mohammed Saleha, 13; Lynn Muhammad Saeed Saleha, 13; Aseel Mahmoud Tayseer Al-Halabi, 12; Yahya Muhannad Sami Aslim, 12—
The DEPUTY PRESIDENT: Thank you, Senator Faruqi. Senator McGrath.
Senator Faruqi interjecting—
The DEPUTY PRESIDENT: Senator Faruqi—please.
Senator Faruqi: President, I’ve just started. There are 10,000 more—
The DEPUTY PRESIDENT: I appreciate it’s an important position for you, but you understand the standing orders, and I ask you to respect the chamber. Senator McGrath.