One Nation condemns the atrocities inflicted by the Iran-backed Hamas and Hezbollah terrorist groups on the people of Israel. The aim of these psychotic cowards is not Palestinian statehood. They could not care less about the people living in Gaza or the West Bank. It’s been reported that they even use their own wives and children as cannon fodder and human shields.
Senator HANSON (Queensland—Leader of Pauline Hanson’s One Nation) (20:52): One Nation condemns the atrocities inflicted by the Iran-backed Hamas and Hezbollah terrorist groups on the people of Israel. The aim of these psychotic cowards is not Palestinian statehood. They could not care less about the people living in Gaza or the West Bank. It’s been reported that they even use their own wives and children as cannon fodder and human shields. They only care about the destruction of Israel and the murder of every Jew and Christian in the world. It’s the stated aim of Hamas. Their attacks last week, which included the deliberate mutilation of innocent children, serve as a reminder that we are never safe from the scourge of Islamic terror. This includes Australia, where Hamas and Hezbollah sympathisers have been demonstrating their support for these atrocities. They have actually celebrated the mutilation and murder of children and the kidnapping and execution of civilians.
You can’t say you weren’t warned about these disgusting creatures. I told you not to allow these extremists to come to Australia and import their ideology of hate. But Labor let them come anyway. As a result, the world has now been treated to the appalling spectacle of these extremists demonstrating, on the steps of the Sydney Opera House, explicit support of terrorism and murder and calling for the gassing of Jews. These terrorist sympathisers do not belong in Australia. They belong in Gaza, standing side by side with the cowardly killers they cheered for, to reap the whirlwind that is about to come crashing down on them. As I have said many times, we are too quick to hand out citizenship. People must prove they are worthy to be Australian citizens and not bring the hate, civil wars and ideologies that have no place here.
Israel has no choice but to respond to these atrocities with all the power and force it can muster. There can be no lasting peace with Islamic terrorists. Israel has repeatedly offered the hand of peace in the Middle East, including the offer of an independent Palestinian state. The only response has been terrorism, so Israel must eliminate the scourge of terrorism that threatens its very existence. We can leave that to the Israelis, I think. They have been fighting for survival against enormous odds for 75 years, and I expect they will prevail. The priority for Australian leaders is to offer our fellow democracy all possible material and moral support to ensure the safety of Australian citizens in the conflict area and to eliminate the support for Islamic terrorism and antisemitism which has so embarrassed Australia on the world stage.
Australia must also re-examine its relationship with the regime in Iran, the financier and supplier of Islamic terror across the world. At the very least, our diplomatic presence in Tehran must be withdrawn and any Iranian diplomats should be expelled from our country. There is already strong evidence that Iranians who have escaped that country’s terrorist regime are being stalked and threatened in Australia by the regime. There is no place for that in our nation, just as there is no place in Australia for sick minds calling for the gassing of Jews. There is no place in this parliament for those who have also expressed support for this terror. You know who you are—Minister Tony Burke, Minister Chris Bowen, Senator Thorpe and the Greens. One Nation will be reminding Australian voters when the time comes.
The ACTING DEPUTY PRESIDENT ( Senator Fawcett ): Senator Hanson, I’ll just remind you about personal reflections on members of the House, which are disorderly, and ask you to curtail your remarks accordingly.
Senator HANSON: Yes, Acting Deputy President. One Nation supports the government’s motion on these terrorist attacks in principle, but we note it doesn’t go far enough and doesn’t address the central role Iran has played in this terrorism. One Nation stands against any form of terrorism. Taking sides is not the answer. Working towards a peaceful solution is.