Senator Penny Wong – Estimates question about aid budget for Palestine

photo of Senator Penny Wong
June 3, 2015

Questioned the lack of aid funding to Africa, the Middle East and the Palestinian territories.

Nothing at this stage is approved for Africa, the Middle East or the Palestinian territories for 2017-18 or 2018-19, and only $500,000 has been approved for both of those regions for next year?

Whole interaction with Mr Paul Wood (Chief Finance Officer, DFAT) during Senate Estimates (Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Legislation Committee, Foreign Affairs and Trade Portfolio).

Senator WONG: In terms of North Africa and the Middle East, which I think in part goes to Senator Xenophon’s question, and also the Palestinian territories, do I understand this to show nothing committed for North Africa and the Middle East in 2015-16?


Mr Wood : Correct. The only item that we have in our budget estimate for North Africa and the Middle East is a small amount of $500,000.


Senator WONG: Less than half in the Palestinian territories has been committed compared to what has been approved?


Mr Wood : Correct.


Senator WONG: Nothing at this stage is approved for Africa, the Middle East or the Palestinian territories for 2017-18 or 2018-19, and only $500,000 has been approved for both of those regions for next year?


Mr Wood : Correct.


Senator WONG: When you said Africa was not a priority, you really meant it, didn’t you?

Link to full Hansard transcript.