Maybe if the members of the opposition had consulted with us about the idea of bringing a bill on and dealing with it in an hour—the opposition knows this is not the way we are going to deal with it. There’s no way any government is going to agree to a motion...
I’m moving this motion to suspend standing orders because we cannot wait another day and watch the level of antisemitism continue to build on our campuses unanswered. We need to put an inquiry in place before second semester begins at the end of July. Mr...
I second this motion. This government is engaging in arms trading with the state of Israel as it carries out a genocide in Gaza. Mr CHANDLER-MATHER (Griffith) (15:36): I second this motion. This government is engaging in arms trading with the state of Israel as it...
Instead, the Prime Minister, backed up by the Leader of the Opposition, came in here and made wide-ranging sprays attempting to connect the peaceful protests of people who are seeking to make their views about Labor’s complicity with this genocide heard with the...
This is not the first time I have spoken in this chamber—on a suspension motion on this issue from the Greens in the morning, and from the member for Kennedy in the afternoon. As I said this morning, motions of this kind are procedural motions that, members know, are...