Clare O’Neil MP – condemning Hamas’ attacks

We know that Gaza is a densely populated place, about half the size of Canberra, where two million people live. We know that this is a population of people who are young. A very large share of the population there are children, and what Hamas have done is put those...

Anne Aly MP – in support of the Prime Minister’s motion

There is absolutely no justification for what Hamas did—no justification for the attacks on innocent Israelis that we have seen. Those who seek to justify what Hamas did in Israel do an incredible disservice not just to Israelis but to Palestinians alike. But the...

Michelle Ananda-Rajah MP – condemning Hamas’ attacks

Israel’s response was swift. A state of war was declared, troops were mobilised, and the counteroffensive began. The counternarrative was equally swift. This is about the oppression of Palestinians in the largest open-air prison in the world. This is about...

Paul Fletcher MP – condemning Hamas’ attacks

I express my strong support for Israel’s acts of self defence. Israel is a vigorous multiparty democracy, a beacon of freedom around the world, and it is the homeland of the Jewish people. I call on the Australian government to provide strong and clear support...

Russell Broadbent MP – in support of the Prime Minister’s motion

I stand with Israel, as this nation does. I stand, especially, knowing that there are Palestinians even in this country who wish for the end of the state of Israel. That is not going to happen.  They have every right to respond to protect their border and to protect...