We also saw division with the United States in our voting on the ceasefire resolution in Gaza. Members here would recall that, when that resolution was initially put before the general assembly, Australia abstained. But, on 13 December, when a resolution calling for...
This second reading amendment does a simple yet profound thing. It gives this Senate the opportunity to call explicitly for an end to the export of arms manufactured in Australia to the State of Israel. Senator STEELE-JOHNÂ (Western Australia) (13:25): The Australian...
More recently, the organisation has bolstered its efforts to provide relief and aid around the world and, right now, to those affected by the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza, by forming partnerships in the region to exchange resources and expertise. Mr...
We are indebted to brave citizen journalists like Bisan, Motaz and Plestia, who’ve risked their lives to bring the reality of Gaza to our feeds. It was their truth-telling that spurred the world to action when governments wanted us to look away. We are better...
I now ask this question: What has Israel achieved? What is it achieving, if not the killing and forced starvation of innocent civilians and the destruction of homes and the displacement of people? The Israeli army, with unlimited supply lines, rages against a civilian...