On 18 October, as the State of Israel was raining bombs down on Gaza, as civilians perished and hospitals lay in ruins, the Labor and Liberal parties passed a motion through this place that said the Senate stands with Israel. The Australian Greens did not support that...
Australia’s role in exporting arms material to Israel must be exposed. If Australian-made weapons are being used against Palestinian civilians, our clients and the public deserve to know. Senator SHOEBRIDGE (New South Wales) (15:30): I move: That the Senate take...
Again, Senator Shoebridge, I refer you to my first answer and I refer you to the many answers you were provided at Senate estimates where you were told that we are not going to provide details about individual arrangements with individual countries. Senator...
I move that, in the opinion of the Senate, the following is a matter of urgency: To support peace for Palestinians and Israelis, and due to the approximately 10,000 Palestinian deaths and over 1400 Israeli deaths, the Australian Government call for an immediate...
This motion from the Greens does two things of note. It calls for a ceasefire, but it totally ignores Hamas. It is reckless, misleading and one-sided. What would the best way to a ceasefire be? It would be for Hamas to surrender its arms, its infrastructure, its...