Less page-turning thriller than worthy tutorial, The Deadly Promise follows the changing politics of Zach Peretz, a 31 year old secular Jew. Set in London immediately before the third attack on Gaza in 2014, Zach’s story begins with him brashly expressing...
The Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement has three arms: the commercial, the cultural and the academic. The dedicated focus of the book is the latter. Before discussing Riemer’s book it is important to outline the key points of the larger campaign: ‘The...
The translator of this beautiful book calls it a memoir. The author’s son, Àthar, says it is an autobiography. It seems both a meditative memoir and an autobiography written by Hussein Barghouthi (1954-2002), as he faced death from cancer while still in his...
The astronomical quantity and quality of research woven throughout Masalha’s a Four Thousand Year History creates an irrefutable counter-narrative to the myths often proclaimed by proponents of Zionism as fact. Additionally, this decolonial self-representational...
Veteran journalist John Lyon’s has just released an explosive 88 page book exposing the extent to which the Australian media is influenced by the pro-Israel lobby. The book cites concrete examples of this influence drawn from interviews with journalists, editors,...