2015 Highlights
September 2015 | Dr Salam Fayyad visit to Australia
The former Palestinian Prime Minister, Dr Salam Fayyad, visited Australia to deliver the Edward Said Memorial Lecture at the University of Adelaide.
APAN hosted Dr Fayyad at the National Press Club (link to listen).
APAN facilitated Dr Fayyad to meet with the Minister for Foreign Affairs Julie Bishop; the Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs Tanya Plibersek and the leader of the Australian Greens, Senator Di Natale. APAN also organised a roundtable with staff from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
APAN also assisted with his media, including an interview with Radio National Breakfast.

August 2015 | Campaign to Stop Demolitions in Susiya
When Israel announced that it would demolish the West Bank village of Susiya, APAN partnered with Action Aid Australia to call on the Foreign Minister to act to save Susiya. While the villagers own the land, Israel refused to grant them planning permits to build.
Australian aid had been invested to build community infrastructure, including medical clinics and a kindergarten.
The issue gathered the attention of ABC’s 7.30 Report.
The village has not been completely demolished as threatened. However Israel has supported the development of a Jewish only settlement also called Susiya, on the next hill.

July 2015 | APAN Campaign Shifts ALP policy
APAN and Palestine supporters nationally lobbied Australian Labor Party members ahead of their biannual conference. APAN ran an email campaign as well as supported local meetings with parliamentarians.
APAN co-hosted a fringe event at the Conference with the Australian Jewish Democratic Society which included a pre-recorded video of Dr Hanan Ashrawi on why Australia should Recognise Palestine. APAN also had a stall at the conference where we engaged with Party members throughout the conference about the importance of a shift in policy.
The resolution passed at the ALP National Conference in July was a positive step forward towards a more balanced foreign policy position. APAN’s press release welcomed the step toward Palestinian Recognition.

December 2014 – March 2015 | APAN supports Parliamentary Calls for the Recognition of Palestine
In December 2014, Parliamentary Friends of Palestine co-convenor Maria Vamvakinou MP (Labor) moved a motion calling for immediate Australian recognition of a Palestinian State. The motion was supported by Craig Laundy MP (Liberal) who stated that he is frustrated that parliamentarians appear to be hiding behind rhetoric of a two state solution. Further speeches in support were given by Jill Hall MP (Labor) and Melissa Parke MP (Labor) and Russell Broadbent MP (Liberal).
In the Senate, Greens leader Senator Milne (Greens) tabled a Senate motion indicating that the Greens support full and immediate recognition of Palestinian statehood. Further, Senator Urquhart (Labor) also made a speech referring to the upper house motion and calling on Australia to recognise Palestine.
In March 2015 Senator Nick Xenophon called for urgent assistance for Gaza, including the end to the Israeli blockade, and a speech to Melissa Parke MP called on Australia to recognise Palestine. Anthony Albanese MP stated his support for Palestinian Recognition and concern about Israel’s bombing in Gaza. In their condolence speeches to the Rt Hon Malcolm Fraser, both Senator Xenophon and Melissa Parke MP recognised his commitment to Palestine.