December 2017 | APAN gets commitment Australia wont follow Trump off Cliff on Jerusalem
When US President Donald Trump announced he was going to move the US embassy to Jerusalem, APAN responded quickly, calling on Australia to condemn the move and commit to leaving our Embassy in Tel Aviv. Nearly four thousands of Australians wrote to their local parliamentarians calling on Australia to not move our embassy.
The Foreign Minister soon after ruled out a move. APAN’s was able to promote Palestinian views in the print, radio, online and TV news.

November 2017 | ALP Study Tour to Palestine
Nine ALP federal parliamentarians from across factions, houses of parliaments and from six states of Australia joined a trip to Palestine – the largest group of parliamentarians to visit Palestine.
They visited Military Courts, Old City of Jerusalem, Qalandia checkpoint, and the Jordan Valley. They met with a range of parliamentarians including the Palestinian Prime Minister and Knesset members, human rights groups and Australian funded aid projects.
Listen to three of the participants discuss their visit to the Military Courts.

November 2017 | Palestine National Day – Melbourne
For the second year the Palestinian Flags flew over Federation Square for Palestine National Day. APAN worked with Melbourne groups to host a celebration, and were delighted to have Palestinian Olympian Loudy Wiggins and Palestinian journalist Maher Mughrabi as speakers on the night, as well as some wonderful music that kept people dancing for hours!

November 2017 | APAN supports Gideon Levy Speaking Tour
Israeli journalist Gideon Levy was in Australia to present the Edward Said Memorial Lecture.
APAN hosted events with Gideon in the Australian Federal and Victorian parliaments. We facilitated a meeting with the Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, as well as the Leader of the Australian Greens.
APAN also co-hosted a public event in Melbourne with the Australian Jewish Democratic Society.
Watch video of the Melbourne public event.

October 2017 | Training for Palestinian Young People (Melbourne)
Palestinian young people in Melbourne said they’d like to learn more about Palestine so they can beome more confident in speakin up.
APAN hosted training workshops in response – covering debating skills, and an introduction to how to talk about Palestine.